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February 7, 2025

Order of Service for Sunday, February 9, 2025

Theme: Jesus calls the disciples

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” Luke 5:8

Gathering Music and Welcome

Hymn #299 Holy, holy, holy


Call to worship

Lighting of the Christ Candle

Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Anthem: Create in me a clean heart, O God (J. Carter)

Children’s Time

Hymn #634 Will you come and follow me

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-18; Luke 5:1-11

Sermon “Good enough for God”

Hymn #592 I, the Lord of sea and sky

Prayers of the People

Hymn #753 You walk along our shoreline

Blessing and Benediction

Sung Response: Go in the grace of the Lord

Sending music

  • Isobel Van Wart Memorial Service - Sat. Feb. 8, 2 pm

For livestream link click HERE

  • Bible Reading Club meeting - Tues. Feb. 11, 1 pm
  • Janet Thomson Group Lunch - Tues. Feb. 11, noon
  • Refugee Sponsorship&Resettlement Conference - Sat. Feb.15, 9:15 am - 3:00 pm

Thanks from the KPC Refugee Committee

For all who attended the Concert on Saturday January 26th, an ENORMOUS BIG THANK YOU! Donations totaled almost $2,000.00!! This amount, when matched by our still mysterious benefactor, will add almost $4,000.00 to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund! 


For the unfortunate folks who couldn't attend the Impressions Big Band Concert, some good news! Here are two links to provide your musical fix AND, you can do your finger snapping and toes tapping in the privacy of your own home. and


So, after the delightful performance of the Mr Rogers Suite by the Impressions Big Band on 25 Jan, you are probably asking "What's next for the Refugee Committee?" Well, by timely coincidence, the Presbytery of Westminster and KPC are hosting a Refugee Sponsorship and Resettlement Conference on Saturday, 15 February from 9:15 am to 3:00 pm at Kerrisdale. This Conference will create a forum for church groups involved in refugee Sponsorship and Resettlement to share each other's experiences, make new connections and work collaboratively to support our refugees. 


We will be using a hybrid format to enable both in-person and on-line attendance. The Agenda, Registration forms and other details are available at The Conference is open to everyone at KPC. You don't have to be a member of the Refugee Committee


Please consider volunteering

We are hosting over 35 people and a representative from the National Church at this conference and want to show our hospitality: Volunteers are needed for setting up, serving lunch and refreshments and cleaning up. Please email, or phone the church secretary at (604) 261-1434 if you can help out or have questions about the conference.


Join the fellowship at the Janet Thomson monthly group meeting on Tuesday, February 11, at noon. All are welcome. 


Hey there, G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) has been meeting at Crofton Manor at least once per month on Thursdays 1:30 - 3:00 pm. It has been a lot of fun playing games and getting to know the residents. This ministry is now in transition - we are looking for a new leader. Our present leaders Marg and Bill Buschman have done a fantastic job but, for health reasons, are unable to continue. Thank you Marg and Bill - your leadership and passion for G3 has been wonderful! So.... If you are interested in volunteering some of your time, you like to play board games, and you enjoy connecting with seniors this may be an opportunity for you. Please connect with Richard or send Droma an email to let us know you are interested (


Thank you for your generous offerings to the church last year. Tax receipts will be ready by the end of February.

If anyone wants to receive the electronic copy, please inform Jessica Ni at  by February 16, 2025. Paper copies will be mailed out in early March.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.