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January 25, 2025

Welcome to KPC's new look 

This electronic newsletter is sent out every week. It provides the basic information for our weekly worship and gives you an update on some of the many activities at KPC. I hope you enjoy it. If you have comments or suggestions, please send us an email If this is not your thing, please scroll to the bottom and unsubscribe - no problem, we understand. On the other hand, if you like what you see, tell your friends and they can subscribe too!


Join us for weekly worship in person or online!

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Each Sunday the worship service is available on YouTube at 10 AM and remains online for viewing at your convenience.  

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Order of Service for Sunday, January 26, 2025

Theme: Jesus Announces His Ministry

All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They said, “Is not this Joseph’s son?” - Luke 4:22

Gathering Music


Hymn #255 Now let the vault of heaven resound


Call to Worship

Lighting of the Christ Candle

Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Anthem - Lead Me, Guide Me (Doris Akers)

Children’s Time

Scripture: Luke 4:14-30

Sermon “Good news to the poor: central to Jesus’ mission”

Hymn #676 Jesus, lover of my soul

Prayers of the People

Hymn #482 Christ is made the sure foundation (1,2,4,5)

Blessing and Benediction

Sung Response #553 May the Lord bless you, may the Lord keep you

  • The Impressions Big Band Benefit Concert - Sat. Jan. 25, 2 pm
  • Annual General Meeting - Sun. Jan. 26, 2 pm
  • Bible Reading Club meeting - Tues. Jan. 28, 1 pm
  • KPC men's breakfast - Sat. Feb. 1, 8:30 am
  • Isobel Van Wart Memorial Service - Sat. Feb. 8, 2 pm

January 26th, 2025 - Please plan to join us.

  • When: At 11: 30 a.m. on January 26, following the service and a brief fellowship time.
  • Where: In the sanctuary but not livestreamed.
  • Who: This is an open meeting - All members, adherents and those who have an interest are invited to attend.
  • Voting: Members are asked to vote on all motions, particularly the ones that have financial implications (i.e. proposed Budget). Anyone esle may express an opinion and give a show of hands for non-financially related motions. 
  • Unable to attend: Please contact the office or your elder and we will get an annual report into your hands.

The annual report is being prepared for distribution. Electronic copies of this report will be made available.


This will be our final opportunity to remind everyone about the Impressions Big Band performing the Mr Rogers Suite at KPC starting at 2 pm on Saturday, January 25 in a benefit concert for the Refugee Sponsorship Fund.


The Mr. Rogers Suite was commissioned by Burnaby's Brentwood Presbyterian Church. The Band has 20 or so performers with trumpet, sax, trombone and clarinet to name a few of the instruments and features Jennifer Scott as the vocalist. Jill Townsend will be conducting. The Suite includes 7 of the songs from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, an incredibly popular children's TV show that many of us grew up with. It ran for 33 years from 1968. At its peak, the show had 25,000,000 viewers! Did you know that Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister? You will have a hard time keeping your toes from tapping and your fingers from snapping and there is no reason to be embarrassed! 


Admission is free. Donations are welcome, of course, and will be gratefully accepted. They can be made at the table in the entrance to the church. Simply place your donation in the envelope provided and write your details on the envelope so we can mail the tax receipt.


We also need 2 volunteers to help vacuum the Sanctuary after the concert. If you are able to help, please email If you are on Facebook, please click to help promote this event. 


Are you curious about Refugee sponsorship but don't know where to start? Join us at the Refugee Sponsorship and Resettlement Conference on Saturday, 15 Feb. from 9:15 am to 3:00 pm at Kerrisdale Church Hall. You can be part of our forum for church groups involved in Sponsorship and Resettlement. It's a place to learn about beginnings, share each other's experiences, make new connections and work collaboratively to support our refugees. This is open to everyone in the congregation, you don't have to be a member of the Refugee Committee. We will be using a hybrid format to enable in-person and on-line attendance.  


Registration and details are available at  Volunteers are also needed for setting up, serving refreshments and lunch. Please email if you can help or have questions about the event.


Due to the recent postal strike, the government extended the normal deadline of Dec 31 until February 28 for this year's qualifying income tax receipts. The deadline was previously reported as being January 31. Our apologies for the mistake. This means you can still make qualifying donations to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund as follows:

1. By mail-in Cheque made payable to KPC (Please, Do Not Mail Cash!)

Write Refugee Sponsorship Fund on the memo line. Ensure your complete mailing details are included for your tax receipt.

Mail to the church.


2. By credit or debit card using the KPC website Enter your donation amount. Change the fund name to display Refugee Sponsorship Fund. Fill in the Billing Details and Card Information pages. Press NEXT and continue. 


3. In person - cash or cheques. 

Make cheques payable to KPC. Write Refugee Sponsorship Fund on the memo line. Place donation in an envelope and drop in the offering plate at the church entrance. Be sure to include your full postal address so we can mail your tax receipt to you.


4. By e-Transfer

Send your donation to Identify it as being for the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. We suggest that you make the password church related or send a separate email with the relevant information.


Thanks to our amazing mysterious benefactor for continuing to match all donations to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. Let's make the best of this incredible opportunity!


This in-person group is an opportunity to read the bible, ask questions and learn about Jesus with pastor Richard. We will be focusing on the gospel according to Luke. It's not too late to join so please let Richard know if you hope to be part of this.


KPC men's breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m., Sat., Feb. 1, 2025, in the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot). The speaker will be our minister Richard Watson who will speak about KPC's Around the Well ministry. Please let our minister, or Kiejoon Kim know if you are coming. You can also put your name down on the sign-up sheet in the church narthex on Sunday mornings.  


Donations received at the Feb. 1 men's breakfast meeting will be directed to KPC's Around the Well ministry. If writing a cheque, please make the donation in favour of Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, along with a note in the memo line saying, "KPC's Around the Well ministry."


Isobel Helen Van Wart (nee Clark), affectionately known as “Issie”, was born June 18, 1935, and grew up in Hawick, Scotland. She always maintained a strong connection to Hawick, becoming a Teri at heart when she moved away at the age of 18 years to attend nursing school at Edinburgh Royal Hospital. Issie trained as a midwife in York and Kingston upon Thames in England and in her early years of nursing carried out home deliveries. 


Issie always had a love for travel and adventure. She worked as a nurse in Bermuda where she made dear and lifelong friends. From Bermuda, she moved to Collingwood, Ontario, and then eventually to Vancouver where she worked at Shaughnessy Hospital and met her husband Arthur Van Wart. Arthur (Art) was in the isolation ward sick with Hepatitis and Issie nursed him back to health.  They married soon after on November 12th 1966 in Hawick and had a beautiful partnership for over 58 years. Issie and Art raised their family of four children, Louise, Helen, Harriet and Jamie, in Kerrisdale. They made many close friends in the community, and Issie was an active member of the Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church where she taught Sunday School for over thirty years.


Issie raised her four children with a fortitude that impressed many. She was known for biking, walking, or taking the bus to carry out her errands and chores. She was a true anchor for her family, always having dinners prepared and insisting all the family eat together each night. This was particularly admired by Art’s work colleagues. Being a family physician, Art worked long hours, but he was always home for dinner (and then would head out after dinner for his evening house calls). 


Issie had many activities, and they created lasting friendships. She took joy in her Scottish country dance group, as well as tennis, walking, bridge, and book clubs. She had a flair for hosting parties, always making any activity she did that much more fun. Her home was a place all felt welcome, and where many laughs and good memories were shared. 


In 1977, Issie and Art decided to spend summers with the children at Crescent Beach, and in their later years lived at Crescent Beach year-round.  Upon discovering Crescent Beach they quickly fell into the gravitational pull of the Crescent Beach Swimming Club (CBSC) where they found a deep and meaningful community. Issie made many contributions to CBSC over the years, and became widely and affectionately known as the “hot chocolate lady” for serving hot chocolate from the beach for the CBSC tanker swimmers. In the early days, this may have been eight or ten swimmers at a time. More recently, this would be up to fifty swimmers. Most said she served the “best hot chocolate ever”.


Issie passed away peacefully on December 26th at Peace Arch Hospital, surrounded by her family (even those in Halifax by phone). She was predeceased by her mother Margaret (Peggy) Clark (nee Weir), father James Clark, and brother David Clark. Survived by her sister-in-law Babs Clark, husband Arthur, children Louise (and Ross McLaren), Helen (and David Iwankow), Harriet (and Sheldon Tetreault), Jamie (and Lisa Jacobs) and grandchildren Nicholas, Riel, Isaac, Maggie, Willem, Lewis and Elsie.