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December 19, 2024

Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 

Order of Service for Sunday, December 22, 2024
Theme:  Advent - Love

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.” Luke 1:47,47

Gathering Music
Hymn  #159 Oh come, all ye faithful (verses 1, 3, 4, 5)
Call to worship: Lighting of the Advent and Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #152 Still, Still, Still
Children’s Time
Hymn # 130 To a maid whose name was Mary - Heather MIn
Scripture: Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:39-56
Sermon “The grace, power and good of God’s Love”
Anthem - Song of Mary (F. Lopez)
Prayers of the People
Hymn #147 Angels we have heard on high
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response Hymn #138 While shepherds watched (verse 1)
Sending music

Upcoming Events

  • Finance & Maintenance meeting - Thursday, Dec 19 
    Budget review with Session 6 pm, Regular meeting 7 pm
  • Christmas Worship services
    Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec 24, 7 pm
    Christmas Day, 10 am
  • Games, Giggles and Gab at Crofton Manor -Thursday, Jan 9 from 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Morning Service - 10 am 

What a great way to spend a messy Saturday afternoon!  Instead of having to deal with nasty weather, we were basking in the warmth of the  Christmas Concert and of course, the timeless Christmas story.  It seemed that the sanctuary was at 75% or more of capacity with quite a few people opting for seats in the balcony.  It was great to see the smiling faces of people, young and not so young, as they left for home.  To put the proverbial "icing on the cake", they were met with bright sunshine as they left the church! 

The Refugee Committee is very, very, grateful to the choir and musicians for donating the proceeds to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. The donations came to $2295.97.  The odd number is due to currency exchange between USD$ and CAD$. Since this amount was matched by our mysterious benefactor, it brings the total proceeds for the Sponsorship Fund to $4591.94.  What an amazing Christmas gift! 

Anyone wishing to make a financial donation to the Refugee Fund can still do so AND provide extra benefits to the Fund through our mysterious benefactor's MATCHING FUNDS program. Wdon't know how much longer it will continue but we definitely would like to get the full benefit from this great opportunity.  As examples, your $20.00 donation will bring $40.00 into the Refugee Fund; $100 will provide $200; $500 will create $1,000, etc.  You can put your donation in the offering plate at church with cheques payable to Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church.  Please include Refugee Sponsorship Fund on the memo lineCredit card based donations can be made through the church website using This will bring you to the Giving page. Enter the amount of your donation, select one time or monthly from the drop-down menu. From the next drop-down, change from KPC General Fund to Refugee Sponsorship Fund and then fill in the various blanks as requested.  When you provide your details with your donation, we can provide you with an Income Tax Receipt. Donations received before Dec 31 will qualify for your 2024 income tax. All donations will be used exclusively to support the new family during our sponsorship.  

Chocolate sales have been brisk with some items already sold out!   We are quite disappointed that due to postal strike related shipping problems, our extra order of chocolate did not arrive in time for the Concert.  We have been informed that our chocolate shipment is now in transit, however, we are not optimistic of its arrival before Christmas.  On Sunday, we will be offering what remains of our original order along with the option of pre-ordering items from the incoming shipment when it arrives, including assorted new bars and the chocolate boxes.  Think of the pre-ordered items as delayed Christmas presents!  A getting ready for longer days ahead treats?  Or, "Who needs an excuse" treats!? 

G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday, Jan 9 from 1:30 - 3:00 pm.Join us for a fun time with the residents. For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office. Phone 604-261-1434 or email