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November 21, 2024

Our Vision for the Amalgamated Congregation:
Intentionally Missional, Strongly Relational, and Imperfectly Spiritual

As we approach the celebration of our new congregation on November 30th let's take some time to think about what this means for our future. Here is where we began: 
"We seek to be a community of faith for those looking for a place to belong, be accepted, and be engaged in an authentic life of faith in Christ for the larger vision of God’s compassion and action in the world."
Amalgamation plan July 2023

But how will this really play out in or life as a congregation? Our plan commits us to action in three specific areas. Here are the details:(1) We will be intentionally missional. Our people (that's you and me!) will reach out to the community in the following ways:

  • Ministry to children and youth, including partnerships with Christian groups that do youth ministry well;
  • Refugee sponsorship;
  • Ministering to seniors in our community;
  • Carrying the long-term commitments of West Point Grey Church forward, that is New Witnessing Communities like Around the Well, Intercultural ministries, Indigenous people, Camp Douglas, and Affordable housing;
  • Collaborating with and support the work of our presbytery

(2) We will be strongly relational.  Relationships matter, people are valued. 

  • Our small groups are important like the bible study, Janet Thomson, men's fellowship, the choir, and the knitting group.
  • Our social gatherings provide space to grow in our understanding of each others lives: like the fellowship hour and pot luck luncheons,
  • Relationships with our Community flourish when we invite people in and go out into the world: like Halloween (Trunk or Treat) and the Christmas Concert.
  • Caring for online attendees - this is new relational challenge but we are up for it!
  • Partnerships with other Christians in and around our local environment: Vancouver Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, Tenth Church Westside, the theological schools, and the Presbytery of Westminster;

(3) We will be imperfectly spiritual. Our expressions of faith are important to help us progress in the Christian life, perfection is not what we are going for.

  • We provide space for people to question, grow, find grace and learn to forgive.
  • We follow some very traditional liturgical patterns; prayers, scripture and a good message help us engage and reflect upon our lives.
  • Traditional music in worship also engages our inner spirit: an environment for listening is important but helping people express themselves through song and musical instruments is a priority. The organ is part of this.

This is what our new congregation aspires to be. Much of this is already happening. All of it is based on the good news that God's love through Jesus Christ continues to shape and transform our world into a better place. We are committed to taking part in God's mission to transform the world. I'm excited and I hope you are too!

Your pastor and minister

PS - Please make time to join us Saturday November 30th at 3 pm where we will formally begin: its important!

Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 

Order of Service for Sunday, November 24, 2024
Theme: The Reign of Christ

“To him was given dominion and glory and kingship, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, and his kingship is one that shall never be destroyed.”        Daniel 7:14

Gathering Music
Hymn #275 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun ( tune Duke Street; verses 1,3,5)
Call to Worship and Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration, Confession & Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #266 King of Kings
Children’s Time
Scripture: Daniel 7:9-18; Revelation 1:1-8; John 18:33-37
Message “The power of our King”   
Anthem -  Laudate, Praise the Lord!  (M. Weston)
Prayers of the People
Hymn #267 Rejoice the Lord is King (verses 1,2,3 &5)
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – Bless the Lord (sung 2x)
Sending music               

Upcoming Events

  • Choir Practice - Saturday 10 am and 10:35 am 
  • Come decorate the Sanctuary - Thursday, Nov 28, 4 pm
  • Amalgamation Service - Saturday, Nov 30, 3:00 pm
  • Men's Breakfast Fellowship - Saturday, Dec 7, 8:30 am
  • G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) - Thursday, Dec 12, 2-3:30 pm
  • KPC Christmas Concert - Saturday, Dec 14, 2 pm


T'is the season to be jolly, and what better way to spread the Christmas cheer than by joining us to decorate our beloved sanctuary?

We cordially invite you to our annual "Deck the Halls" event!

When: Thursday, November 28, 4 to 6 pm

Come one, come all, let's transform our church with the warmth and love of the holiday season. Bring your creativity, enthusiasm, and a merry heart as we adorn the sanctuary with twinkling lights, festive garlands, a giant tree, and ornaments galore. No experience is necessary—just a willingness to have fun and create a beautiful space for our community to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We'll have hot cocoa, hot dogs and plenty of holiday tunes to keep us in the spirit as we work together.

So mark your calendars, invite your family and friends, and plan to join us for this joyous occasion. Let's make this Christmas Decorating party one to remember!

RSVP: Richard (


Amalgamation Service - Saturday, November 30th at 3 pm

Don't miss this historic moment in the life of our church. Join us and be a part of something truly special! 


KPC men's breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m., Sat., Dec. 7, 2024, in the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot).  The speaker will be John Rajendra of KPC's youth ministry team, who will speak about his life and faith journey.  Please let our minister Richard Watson or Kiejoon Kim know if you are coming.  You can also put your name down on the sign-up sheet in the church narthex on Sunday mornings.  

Donations received at the Dec. 7 men's breakfast meeting will be directed to Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWSD) through KPC men's group fund.  If writing a cheque, please make the donation in favour of Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, along with a note in the memo line saying, "for KPC men's group fund.

Yahoooo! Yippee! Yeeee-haw, etc! !

Chocolates have been shipped and are now out for delivery! They are so close that you can almost smell them!  Does it seem that someone might be excited?  You are right...Very excited!We are planning to have them for sale in the lounge after this Sunday's service, and on following Sundays. Cash or cheques only please. 

The chocolates will also be available at the Christmas Concert on Saturday, Dec 14 at 2 pm. If you haven't attended a Kerrisdale Christmas Concert in the past, you are in for a real treat!  The music, the choir voices, and the Readings, all make for a truly unique experience!  Admission to the Concert is free but donations are encouraged, with all donations going to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. 

G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 2 - 3:30 pm.Join us for a fun time with the residents. For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office. Phone at 604-261-1434 or email



Brass & Organ Concert, St.John's Vancouver,
         Tuesday, December 3rd, 7 pm

Sing-Along Messiah, the United Voices Choir,
          Sunday, December 15th, 8 pm

Christmas Concert, Vancouver City Singers,
          Saturday, December 7th, 7 pm