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October 4, 2024


Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 

Order of Service October 6, 2024 

“I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.”
    Romans 8:18                      

Gathering Music - O rest in the Lord  (F. Mendelssohn) Dorcas Chan
Welcome and Hymn #422 - Sing a new song unto the Lord
Call to Worship and Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration, Confession & Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #761 - Who’s goin’ to tell the story
Children’s Time
Scripture: Job 1:1, 2:1-13; Mark 10:32-34; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Sermon “Walking with the suffering ones”
Anthem - Create in me a clean heart, O God (John Carter)
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
Hymn #528 Jesus calls us here to meet him (verses 1&4)
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving (#564 of hymn book)
Celebration of Holy Communion
Hymn #612 Christ is the King (1,3,4 &7)
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – #424 Sing Praise and Bless the Lord
Sending music


Upcoming Events

  • KPC Regular Choir Practice - Saturdays, 10:30 am to noon
  • Men's Breafast tomorrow - 8:30 Am at the Church Hall
  • Janet Thomson Group Meeting - Tuesday, Oct 8, noon
  • Games, Giggles and Gab - Thursday, Oct 10, 2-3:30 pm
  • Camp Douglas Work Party - Saturday October 13th

Men's breakfast

Join us 8:30 am tomorrow morning October 5th at the church hall for some food and fellowship. Paul Thiessend from Union Gospel Mission will be speaking on his own faith story as well as homelessness, poverty and addiction on the West side of Vancouver. We welcome all!

 Monthly Lunch meeting - Tuesday, October 8, noon
Join the fellowship at the Janet Thomson monthly group meeting.
All are welcome. 


G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday,  10 Oct. from 2 - 3:30 pm.Join us for a fun time with the residents. For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office. Phone at 604-261-1434 or email

WOW!!  What a great Concert on Friday night. True to form, Rachel's performance was great to watch and hear!  Her concert Friends ranged in age from "6 and a half" to 15 years. The amazing sounds generated by each set of those fingers were a real treat. It is too bad that we didn't have a larger audience to enjoy these very capable young performers. 
 The last few weeks leading up to the concert were especially hectic for members of the Committee....details, details, details!  Anyone who did not have grey hair previously likely has some grey strands showing now as a resultTo this new cohort of "dust-bunnies-in-waiting",  a very warm welcome to our ranks from those of us already blessed with the full "dust bunny" heads!  It is too bad that we did not have the live stream but we now have the idea for another event. Speaking of which, we will provide updates as things progress.  Watch this space! 

The Camp Douglas Fall Work Party has just been scheduled for Saturday, October 19. We'd love it if you were able to join us!
If you think you'll be able to make it, please could you RSVP using this form, so we know the number for catering?


Tickets are now on sale for Remembrance and Reflection - our fall concert of inspiring music by Mozart,  Fauré,  Schubert on November 02 and 03, and our December 15  Sing-Along Messiah. See ticket information below.
Last season our concerts sold out so don’t delay, book now to avoid disappointment! 

Remembrance and Reflection features movements from Mozart and Fauré’s breathtaking Requiems, as well as Schubert’s famous Stabat Mater, and the opening of his Mass in A flat.
Specially chosen for November, the month of remembrance, this beautiful music was written by composers who knew how to express the full expanse of human emotion, and to compassionately turn us from sorrow towards healing, and hope.

Remembrance and ReflectionSaturday November 2, 2pm at St Paul’s Anglican Church (West End)

Sunday November 3, 7pm at Pacific Spirit Church (Kerrisdale) 

And, HALLELUJAH!  It’s back by popular demand: join us in a rousing 

Sing-Along of Handel's iconic Messiah, Sunday December 15, 8pm Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church

A hallmark of the holiday season, Messiah is celebrated for the sheer beauty of its dramatic melodies, powerful choruses and moving solos. Add your voice to our 65-strong choir, as we sing a selection of beloved choruses and hear some of the solo highlights from the work.As always, we will be conducted by our brilliant and energetic director Dr Greg Caisley, and joined by professional soloists and orchestra.

Tickets at $30 for adults and $15 for 18 years and younger can be purchased at or by clicking on the links below, or can be purchased at the door using cash or credit card.

Saturday November 02 concert URL:

Sunday November 03 concert