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September 26, 2024

Benefit Concert


Please participate -  Deadline September 30

I am grateful for the responses we have recieved to date but I'm hoping to hear from so many more. Please take time to take the survey. It's important to hear from you. 

Click this link to take the survey:

Or pick up a paper copy at worship on Sunday's or from the the church office during the week. Completed forms (online or paper copy) will be accepted any time until Monday September 30th

Thanks for making an effort to participate!

In Christ, 

Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 

Order of Service September 29, 2024 

Theme: What We Learn on the Road
As he (Saul) was going along the road . . .suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He asked, “Who are you, Lord?” The reply came, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.”        Acts 9:3-5                          

                                  Gathering Music                                   
Hymn #290 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Call to worship and Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession and Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #641 One more step along the world I go
Children’s Time 
Scripture: Exodus 15:22-27; Responsive Psalm 143:5-8; Mark 10:17-22; 35-45
Sermon “On the Road Again”  Rev. Dr. Glen Davis
Anthem - Laudate, Praise the Lord (Mark Weston)
Prayers of the People
Hymn #634 Will you come and follow me (verses 1,2,5)
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – Go now in peace (Don Besig)
Sending music

Upcoming Events

  • KPC Regular Choir Practice - Saturdays, 10:30 am to noon
  • Rachel Wei & Friends Benefit Concert - 
    Friday, Sept 27, 7 pm
  • KPC men's breakfast - Saturday, Oct 5, 8:30 am
  • Janet Thomson Group Meeting - Tuesday, Oct 8, noon
  • Games, Giggles and Gab - Thursday, Oct 10, 2-3:30 pm


KPC regular choir practice has resumed. Every Saturday from 10:30 a.m. until noon.  

The Ratanak Road to Freedom event for our region was held on 21 Sep. in Richmond along with teams in other areas of Canada.  Of the 25 teams, Kerrisdale Perseverers placed 8th in team fund-raising. Our fundraisers were  Anahita Hirmanpour, Ramesh Mardani, Robyn Laidlaw and Margaret Buschman.  

Margaret came in 3rd for individual fundraisers out of 161 participants. The funds raised will go towards helping individuals who have escaped human trafficking and slavery to return to a normal life  A huge thank you to all who supported our Kerrisdale Perseverers Team.

KPC men's breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m., Sat., Oct. 5, 2024, in the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot).  The speaker will be Paul Thiessen of Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver, who will speak about UGM's work in downtown eastside.  Please let our minister Richard Watson, or Kiejoon Kim know if you are coming.  You can also put your name down on the sign-up sheet at the church narthex on Sunday mornings.  

 Donations received at the Oct. 5 men's breakfast meeting will go to UGM.  If writing a cheque, please make the donation in favour of Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, along with a note in the memo line saying, "for Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver."


 Monthly Lunch meeting - Tuesday, October 8, noon
Join the fellowship at the Janet Thomson monthly group meeting.
All are welcome. 


G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday,  10 Oct. from 2 - 3:30 pm.Join us for a fun time with the residents. For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office. Phone at 604-261-1434 or email

We are hoping that you have reserved 7 pm this coming Friday, 27 September to attend the Rachel Wei and Friends Benefit Concert. Invite your family, neighbours and friends. This is a very important fundraiser so we are hoping for a large turnout to show encouragement and support for Rachel and her Friends as well as for the KPC Refugee Sponsorship Program. Rachel's young Friends always appreciate the opportunity to perfect their performance skills in a public setting. The number and level of awards these performers have accumulated are outstanding! 

Tickets, $25.00 each, will be available at the door on Friday 27th and online by using e-transfer to Please specify "Refugee Concert Ticket(s)" in the message box and indicate how many tickets you are buying. E-tickets will be sent via e-mail. You may wish to make a donation in addition to your $25.00 per ticket purchase. Donations of $20.00 and over qualify for a tax receipt. These will be sent out at year's end. We will need your postal or email address to ensure the receipt gets to you.If you are unable to attend the performance you can donate directly to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund by using the church website