It's time to let us know your thoughts.
September is a month of new beginnings - Our summer is almost over and schools all over the country are starting the new year. As we continue to plan for the November 30th amalgamation celebration of West Point Grey and Kerrisdale Presbyterian Churches it's also time to seriously think about a new name for this new beginning. You may remember that earlier this summer I asked you to commit some time to think and pray about the possibilities. Our leadership team (The joint Sessions of WPGPC and KPC) has decided on a formal congregational survey to help us discern. So, it's time to let us know what you are thinking.
Click this link to take the survey:
Paper copies of the survey are also available. You can pick up a survey form at worship on Sunday's or from the the church office during the week. Completed forms (online or paper copy) will be accepted any time until Monday September 30th
We value your thoughts and feelings about the possibilities of changing our name. By taking this survey you are helping us discern the next steps. We appreciate your participation.
May God lead us along the way of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!
In Christ,
Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship
“Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered” Psalm. 32:1
Gathering Music
Hymn #814 Morning has broken
Call to worship & Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon & Passing of the Peace
Hymn #435 All things bright and beautiful
Children’s Time
Scripture: Numbers 14:17–20; Mark 2:1-12;
Sermon “Who but God alone can forgive sins?”
Musical offering: Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 (J. S. Bach)
Prayers of the People
Hymn #490 God of Grace and God of Glory (verses 1,3,4 & 5)
Commissioning Jaebok Gu and Chorong Shin
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response - Go now in peace (D. Besig)
Sending Music - What a friend we have in Jesus Joseph Chiang (saxophone)
- Games, Giggles and Gab - Thursday, August 29, 2-3:30 pm
- KPC Regular Choir Practice will resume on Saturday, September 7, 10:30 am to noon
- Rachel Wei and Friends Charity Concert, Friday, September 27, 7 pm
G-3 TODAYG-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday, 29 Aug from 2 - 3:30 pm. Join us for a fun time with the residents.
For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office.
Phone at 604-261-1434 or email
KPC regular choir practice will resume on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. If you are interested in participating in the music ministry, please send Chang Hwa an email at
Ratanak’s Road to Freedom Challenge
Ny was 16 years old when she accepted what she thought was the offer of a good job in Malaysia. However, she was immediately stripped of her belongings Over the next ten years she was sold to four different owners, and endured starvation, beatings, and constant fear and danger. Then, one day, Ny saw a chance to escape—and she ran. Though her lungs thirsted for air and her legs ached for rest, she ran until she reached a train station. And there stood a Cambodian woman—an answer to prayer! This woman helped Ny find transport to the Cambodian-Thai border. She arrived at the Poipet Transitional Centre and then was referred to Ratanak. With support from Ratanak, Ny is receiving counselling to help heal her deep traumas. She now feels comfortable accessing medical care for her ongoing stomach pain. Thanks to the compassion and care shown by Ratanak staff, Ny has started to open up, trust and build emotional connections. Her growing faith has also brought her comfort and strength. She started attending worship services in church with our care team and prayer has become a part of her healing journey, “When I could not sleep, I prayed, and then I could sleep well,” she says. Ny has been reunited with her family and she dreams of raising chickens as a small family business, and with help from Ratanak supporters like you, that dream will soon come true.
In about three weeks Anahita Hirmanpour (, Ramesh Mandani ( Robyn Laidlaw (https://www.roadtofreedomchallenge.robyn-laidlaw) and Marg Buschman ( will walk 5 km. in Ratanak’s Road to Freedom Challenge to raise money for this worthy cause. Thanks to those who have already donated. If you haven’t yet done so, please click on one of the above links to help people who are much less fortunate than we are. A tax receipt will be issued in February 2025 for any amount above $20.00. Thank you.
You may recall from earlier newsletters that Session approved the Committee's proposal to apply for a new refugee sponsorship. While there is still a lot of behind-the-scenes administrative work being dealt with, the Refugee Sponsorship Committee is continuing with fundraising efforts.
The very talented Rachel Wei has graciously offered her musical skills to the Refugee Committee for the latest fundraiser. For the past several years KPC has hosted Rachel's performances as she raised funds for Canuck Place Children’s Hospice.
The Rachel Wei and Friends concert is scheduled for Friday, 27 September at 7 PM. We hope to have a full house to support Rachel, her Friends and the Refugee Sponsorship Committee.The accompanying flyer has details about the upcoming performance, how to obtain tickets and making direct donations to the Refugee Fund.
Did you know that Rachel has been winning awards since age 6! And that she has performed at Carnegie Hall? She is an amazing musician, accomplished on flute, violin and piano. Check out her home page and be amazed! her perform in the Samson Francois International Competition June 2024 in Côte d'Azure, France. Move the time-line slider to 5:45:00 for the beginning of her performance.