Church Events

Maundy Thursday - Seder Meal

Apr 17 2025
Start Time
6:00 PM
End Time
8:00 PM


The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin word "mandatum," which means "commandment". It refers to Jesus' commandment to his disciples to love one another, as he loved them.

Many churches observe Maundy Thursday with an evening communion service and a foot-washing ceremony, reflecting on Jesus' commandment to love and serve others. But the root of Maundy Thursday is actually the Jewish Passover - which to this day is celebrted through a meal called a"Seder" 

Jewish people have celebrated the special Passover meal for thousands of years. When they celebrate this meal they remember that God delivered them from slavery in Egypt and that death passed over their homes because they followed God’s commands by sacrificing a perfect lamb and painting the blood the lamb on the entrance doorways to their homes.

1 Corinthians 5:7 says “Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.” (NLT)
On the night before He died, Jesus and his disciples celebrated the Jewish Passover at the home of a friend. It was no accident that Jesus chose the Passover meal for what we now celebrate as "The Lord’s Supper." Just as freedom from physical slavery was celebrated, we celebrate freedom from slavery to sin.

Join us this year for a Seded Meal where we will be able to see, hear, and taste the great love God has for us.