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November 9, 2023

Our fundraiser after Sunday's service was a huge success!
Tamim and Elaha were very pleased by the interest in their photo cards. Only three cards, out of the 60 we had printed, were left when we packed up.  Plus, we ran out of a number of cards. These are back-ordered!  In a nutshell, the cards were overwhelmingly popular! Our stock of various baked goodies almost disappeared as well! We suspect there were a few kids (and a few adults?) who were dealing with “sugar highs” later in the day.
We have raised approximately $500.00 for our Refugee Sponsorship Fund from this sale. It was a great opportunity for Tamim and Elaha to greet the people who are supporting them. Sunday was also their six month anniversary of arriving in Vancouver.  Our fundraising will continue into next month but whave to cutoff pre-orders for the chocolate items on Sunday Nov 12th due to the processing window needed by the factory to ensure timely delivery. The pre-order idea was to ensure that your favourite bars are ordered and kept aside especially for you. The chocolate bars should be delivered to Kerrisdale in early to mid-December.  Due to the wonderful response, we are working towards having a larger selection of Tamim and Elaha’s photo cards at a later date.

The Refugee Committee members offer our heartfelt THANK YOU to each of the bakers, buyers and volunteers. While the Refugee Committee members are the face of this project, we could not do this without your enthusiastic participation. We really cannot thank you enough!


Upcoming Events

  • Choir Practice - Saturday, Nov. 11,
                Children 9:30 others 10 a.m.
  • Children join us each Sunday at 9:45 to practice the children's hymn with the Choir.
  • Knitting & Crocheting Group - Mondays 10 a.m.
  • Janet Thomson - Tuesday Nov. 14, Noon in Lounge
  • F&M Meeting Thursday Nov. 16, 7:30 pm


 Singers - this week we have a special invitation for Children to consider. Join us Saturday November 11 at 9:30 am to practice a special song as part of the concert.  Also if you want your child to learn more about singing and give them a positive experience during the Children's hymn bring them to church a little earlier on Sundays at 9:45 to practice with the Choir.Please contact our music director Chang Hwa Kim at or call our office at (604) 261-1493. 


Janet Thomson Group

November 14, Tuesday, 12 p.m. @ KPC Lounge

Please bring your lunch and enjoy the fellowship for the Janet Thomson Group's monthly meeting. We will have a special speaker to surprise you.
All are welcome!


KPC Weekly Worship at 10 AM
Order of Service November 12, 2023 

Theme: Matthew- Baptism and Being prepared

Gathering Music                                    
Hymn #407--Praise, my soul, the king of heaven (verses 1,2, & 3)
Call to worship & Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession & Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #655--Give me oil in my lamp
Children’s Time 
Hymn #619 The Lord bless you
Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-8; Matthew 25:1-13
Sermon “Are you prepared?”
Choir Anthem:  Shine on us-- M. Smith
Prayers of the People 
Hymn #757 Come Sing, O Church, in Joy!
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – Bless the Lord (2X)
Postlude- Sonata in E-flat major Op.31, No.3, “The Hunt”1st movement by Ludwig van Beethoven - Rachel Wei

As Palestine and Israel are mired in violence and suffering, PWS&D is prepared to respond to the humanitarian needs. The Presbyterian Church in Canada stands in solidarity with all the people of the region, who are enduring the devastating consequences of continued violence and strife.

The ongoing hostilities have created a humanitarian crisis, with homes, schools, medical facilities and crucial infrastructure having been extensively damaged or destroyed. The conflict has led to a significant mass displacement—1.4 million out of Gaza’s 2.2 million residents are currently displaced.

PWS&D’s humanitarian response will assist with shelter, food, livelihoods, emergency health, psychosocial and mental health support, as well as cash assistance to allow people to purchase the goods they require.

Donations made to PWS&D are eligible to be matched by the Government of Canada through the Humanitarian Coalition’s Gaza Emergency appeal. Donations made between October 7 and November 12 will be matched, up to a total of $10 million.


Through our membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank, PWS&D is part of the Humanitarian Coalition’s Gaza Humanitarian Emergency appeal.

Photo: Islamic Relief Canad